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Monday, November 14, 2005

Your tuition hard at work

If Silber makes $1.25 million a year, then there are at least 42 BU students whose tuition pays for nothing but his salary.

If there are 25,000 undergrads, then there's a .2% chance you're one of them.

If you went to school for 4 years (assuming they rotate the students who pay Silber off each year), then there's more than a 1 in 100 chance your check went directly into his pocket.

If a typical person has 100 friendly aquaintences at school, then at least one of you is a sucker.

Of course, I doubt the survey took into account the value of his wood-panelled office on the top of SMG. There are certain things a university president just expects.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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2:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's why i refuse to donate back to BU. silber you'll never get your hand (singular) on my money!

5:15 PM  

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