A Christmas Story

Twas the sixth afore Year'gin and all through the manger,
nothing was stirrin', not friend, pal or stranger.
But all those 'round knew something holy was 'bout;
When Santa came due, babies popped out.
'S the time o' th' year fer good chillin' a'go sleepin'
Cause lil' baby Jesus' head be a'peekin'.
And, lo!, three wise men looked upon the baby Jesus as he lie in the manger and said, "Yea, what is that before our eyes?" An angel of the Lord had appeared above their heads, and in his hands he carried a tree that would be forever green. The angel spake, "Do this in memory of me." Speaking thusly, he flew to the top of the tree, and there he sat, until New Years Day when he placed the tree by the curb for the lepers to take away.

As the angel departed, he swung back towards the Lord
So G-d above struck him down for his vanity.
The shepherds turned when they heard the crackle of de-existence
And were similarly crackled.
For the god that had awoke was an angry god
Who smote cities and damned His children who dared mix cheeses and meats,
and forbid the digestion of strange sea creatures
and destroyed Creation with water
(although he promised to never do that again)
and rarely He spoke clearly
and rarely He answered prayers,
but when he did
the small group
who listened right
were added to The Book.
And so it continued until the book was full. Then, H-s miracles were ignored, because they weren't as impressive as his earlier works.

Then Men found Reason,
Saw Structure in Universe
What was left for God?
"He is Truth!" they cried.
"Always Undefinable!"
In a way, they're right.
We'd eaten Apple.
Aware of the Consequence?
Nothing like This. Please.
When Man died, He died as slowly as possible, because He could afford the best doctors. He considered this a victory because it proved that money can buy a day at the end of a man's life, and if that's not worth the price, what is? All He could think, though, was of a hundred days he would have done again a million times and the other hundred that he would have changed in a million ways. His Son never came, and he died with the TV on, blaring something.
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