/* Google Analytics code - added by maxr 11/14/05 ----------------------------------------------- */

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Google screws up

Yesterday, I signed up for Google Analytics, a new tool provided by everybody's favorite verb. The idea of the service is that you paste a little snippet of JavaScript on all your pages, and then Google tracks information about the people who visit your site. There's plenty of software already out there that does this kind of thing (I run one on my home web server that provides plenty of interesting reports and graphs), but since I get a boner for all things Google, I thought I'd check it out. The only problem is that the site's been working slower than a government bureaucrat during a fire drill.

When I signed up (on my lunch break yesterday), I was told that Google was scanning this blog and preliminary results would be available by midnight. 31 hours later, still nada. Their site seems slower every time I visit it. Maybe it's the /. effect, maybe I'm a low priority, maybe their code is really inefficient. Whatever the case, I want my money back.

Is Google getting sloppy?


Blogger Radrik said...

google -> 400 -> split -> 225 says radtke

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Google sold out, the inevitable downfall is not far from being reality. To many services spread to thin, they come up with great ideas and then move on to another before realizing the potential of their original ideas. My 2 cents on a weak ass wednesday morning.

1:30 PM  

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