The most wonderful time of the year
I came into work today to find this in my email box (I've cleaned up the horrible spacing, but left the colors intact):
Subject: FW: This is NOT a Holiday Tree!
I LOVE IT!!!This is a Christmas tree. It is not a Hanukkah bush, it is not an Allah plant, it is not a Holiday hedge. It is a Christmas tree. Say it... CHRISTmas , CHRISTmas , CHRISTmas Yes. CHRISTmas - celebrating the Birth of Jesus Christ!!! If this offends you...too bad.
Get over it ~ Take a stand and pass this on !!
The sender of this email is right. It's time we show those Jewpublicans that we're not going to sit back and let our government be controlled by anti-religion nutjobs. Our motto is "One nation, under G-d" -- not Allah, not Ginesh, not even the god of the Jews and the Catholics. Christmas is strictly the domain of the G-d-fearing WASPs who made this country great, and so in their memory do we force this Protestant (strictly excluding the gay-priest-loving parishes of Episcopalians) orgy of commercialism on those immigrants who haven't yet melted into the great Christian U S of fuckin-A.
And fuck Bill O'Reilly, too.